Webrecorder Interoperability
Ilya Kreymer and Mark Beasley
What is Webrecorder?
- Web Archiving Tool for Everyone!
- Symmetrical Archiving
- Same system for recording and replay
- High-fidelity, interactive, user-driven archiving
- Open source you can run your own instance
- Goal: Contextual, Crowd Source Web Archiving
Webrecorder APIs
- User download and upload of WARCs (and ARCs)
- APIs for download and upload
- APIs for collection management, metadata, bookmarks
- Webrecorder comprised of distinct components
- Working towards comprehensive API
Interop: Archive Patching
- Patch or augment any existing web archive, per URL
- Record missing content from existing archives
- Supports any Memento API or CDX Server API capable web archives
- Download WARC of patched content
- Demo
- Users Patch an existing archive
- Client downloads WARCs from Webrecorder via WASAPI
- Client ingests WARCs into existing archive
- Repeat as necessary!
Interop: Archive Extraction
- Extract content from existing archives
- Create new precise WARCs
- Download WARC of extracted content
- Demo
Interop: Offline Player
- Introducing Webrecorder Player
- Standalone Desktop App
- View Webrecorder collections Locally
- Could use WASAPI to sync from remote Webrecorder
Questions? Comments? Use Cases?